Built by: William & Elizabeth Anderson
The Anderson ~ Dulney House was completed in the Spring of 1893. The home was built by Wiiliam & Elizabeth Anderson. William, his wife Elizabeth, and daughter Cora Woodward Anderson (age 8) are shown above on the right of front porch. William & Elizabeth were the first couple to be married at Trinity United Methodist Church April 27, 1886
William T. Anderson Jr. (standing holding hat) Elizabeth (seated w/ William's hand on shoulder). The couple were known as Bill & Lizzie. Records show William T. Anderson taught school at the 1 Room School House in Woodwardville.
The Anderson Family Home survived until post WWII. Woodwardville was once part of the Anderson's "Providence Plantation at Woodwardville"
June 22, 1887 - March 31, 1981
Cora Anderson DuLaney was a great historian, geneologist, and published author. She wrote several historical publications/books. The most well known is "In Dogwood Blossoming Times". She clearly had a deep love of life here in The Forks of the Patuxent. She spent much time writing about the families that lived here.
Dr. Samuel Hall Anderson, the bachelor and Woodwardville physician who lived during his final years with, Cousin Cora DuLaney’s, Anderson parents in their final home at Woodwardville. Dr. Anderson was a son of Samuel Bealmear Anderson and Elizabeth (Hall) Anderson. He rode a white horse named Victor.
Located at 969 Patuxent Road. The Anderson ~ DuLaney Home as it is today.
All photos are the property of Woodwardville Preservation Society
Photos courtesy of David Riden
The Mullikin Home was built in the 1870's by the Mullikin Family (cousin's of the Anderson Family) Photo taken in the early 1`900's
Photo taken of the Mullikin House in the early 1900's
Photo taken of the Mullikin House in the early 1900's. The Woodwardville P.O. operated from the Mullikin House is the 1920's.
Photos courtesy of Diana Lane
Photos taken in April 2020
All photos are the property of Woodwardville Preservatio Society
Photos courtesy of David Riden
Photo was taken in the early 1900's
Photo was taken in the early 1900's
Photo taken in Riden front yard with backs to Patuxent Road
Photo taken in the early 1900's
Photo taken in the early 1900's
All photos are the property of Woodwardville Preservation Society